March 25, 2019

Surprise Girl's Weekend

The first of weekend of March, I had a huge surprise waiting for me when I arrived back at home from picking up the boys from school.

Five of my girlfriends from Illinois had conspired with Derek for MONTHS to come visit me.  I almost messed up their arrival when I didn't leave for school pick up at my normal time because Owen was actually napping.  Derek showed up at home and I was so confused, so was he that I was there! He had planned to go out to the hunting lease, so me made up a story about going out there, but said that I could leave Owen sleeping and go get the big boys.  Meanwhile, my friends were parked in a nearby neighborhood.  haha!  I was so shocked!

Once I regained composure, we discussed the weekend's plans. I had thought my sister and family from Wichita were coming to watch basketball games, so I was all prepared for that. 

But my friends had gotten a hotel room at the Stoney Creek for all us girls.  They actually called our 'friend' at the Peoria location and mentioned the "Crazy Instagram Lady", and she remembered giving us a waffle maker, and gave them a steal of deal on a suite since they were coming visit me!!! 
I quickly packed a bag and met them at the hotel.

Then we went to dinner at The Rooftop.

Which overlooks Main Street in downtown Broken Arrow.

W|On the way back to the hotel, we stopped for a quick selfie at this service station.
We have friends in Peoria with the last name Easley and this reminds me of them every time I drive by. :)

Then we settled in for the night.

We played a game called Telestrations.  It's like the old Telephone game with sketching, so much fun!

Then a few of us hit the hot tub for adult only hour.

We ate breakfast at the hotel.

Then went to the Center of the Universe.

Jess snapped a photo of my setting up my phone for a group shot! ha.

Annnnnnnd, theres the group shot!
(It was a chilly day!)

Next we went to Trader Joe's, so a sample of coffee was a perfect warm up.

Then everyone stocked up on favorites.

They don't have TJ's at home.

Jessica, Shanna, Shelly, Rachel and Buffi...
had planned to stay until Sunday, but since there was a winter storm threatening to shut down roads along their route in Missouri, they headed home a day early.

So we said goodbyes earlier than expected.

It was a short but oh, so sweet time with friends!!  It refreshed my soul. :)

My boys were a little bummed they didn't get more time with "the ladies" as Owen said.  :)

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