March 20, 2019

THM Foods

I've mentioned that we eat according the the Trim Healthy Mama plan.  This is a carb conscious eating plan that alternates fuels throughout the day, fat/low carb meals in one type, healthy carbs/low fat in the other. Not only have we been more healthy, we have enjoyed eating this way and enjoy so many great foods! Like hot wings.  I cooked these in my air fryer.

And pizza.

Eggs (and oatmeal) are staples.

As is greek yogurt and fruit.

We've tried a few usual things, like making tuna casserole with cauliflower. 
(It was good!)

And making turnips into fries.

These work great in the air fryer!

And are a great side with bunless burgers.

We do quite a few meals "deconstructed", like these blackened fish tacos in a bowl.

We've also figured out low carb alternatives to breakfast for dinner.

We also use left over low carb pancakes as a wrap around greek yogurt and berries.

We do a lot of desserts sweetened with Stevia too.

Low carb Reese's are on the top of our list of faves.

Along with these super easy "Two Minute Truffles".

Owen loves to help.  Here we made low carb no bake cookies.

So many great foods on this plan, this is just a small sampling. :)

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