March 26, 2019

Last Basketball Games 2019

Cooper and Miles wrapped up their basketball season the first weekend of March.  They both improved so much over the short time period.  We were strongly encouraging aggressiveness over scoring.  And defense and REBOUNDS!  Here you can see Miles playing defense straight up!  And also Owen's finger. Photo Credit: OWEN. :)

I've often called Miles my "absent minded professor" and this is true on the basketball court too.  He gets distracted easily.  Especially if he has a friend playing on the opposite court. ha.

But along with his coaches, we were cheering him on with each rebound.  Now we just need to work on good shot selection. :)

Miles had so much fun and made friends with is teammates.  His coaches did an excellent job with this group of boys.

Cooper's aggressiveness improved too.

He was getting quite a few rebounds by the last game!

His coach brought a frosted cookie in celebration of their undefeated season.

So the boys got to eat it after the game.

Coop also made friends, had fun, and learned a lot about basketball.
We really appreciated these coaches and their knowledge and understanding of this age group. 


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