November 15, 2018

Shopping with Owen

I know I've posted about it before, but Owen is typically my shopping buddy.

His favorite days are when we have time to check out the toy department. 

Though he's not fond of the refrigerated sections and sometimes snags my sweater.

I'm pretty sure I spend more money because he grocery shops with me...
Yep, I bought him a Paw Patrol Mac & Cheese. 

I know, I keep mentioning how cheap I am.
Apparently those eyes make me forgo all budget minded shopping.

Well, not all.  This is the sadness that happened after I didn't let him put a $94 HotWheels track into the cart.

It was his favorite car thingy and he just wanted to buy it. haha!  

He also likes to pretend to spend money, sitting on it without money is pretty fun too.

Someone at Aldi gave him a quarter one day and he saved it to put in the claw machine at Walmart.
Spoiler Alert: He didn't win anything.

Owen can also be quite a challenge, like when he hides in with the wine boxes at Trader Joe's.

At least they have colors there for him to keep busy for a short while.

He also put the most expensive can of tuna I've ever purchased in his little cart that day.  Because the cashier takes the items out of the cart and rings them up, I didn't notice until we got home.  My total was just a little higher than I'd expected... that's why!

Owen does like to do the paying... too bad it's with my money. ha.
On this particular day the self checkout kept repeating: "Please insert cash or pay another way." and Owen said, "Okay, Alexa"!  She did have a similar voice to our Amazon device!

When he's not paying, he's lining things up while I pay.

Dollar Tree is a fun stop... to take a nap in the ball pit?

He put these on and said, "They're doing cross eyed."!

Yep, he keeps me laughing.

He's a good model too.  He holds up both options for me to text Derek a photo and ask which $1 mop will work best for cleaning up the garage after the deer was processed. :-/

Not always a great helper, he actually got restricted from his tablet after this shopping trip.

Owen is so excited about Christmas coming though!

More shopping!! 

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