May 7, 2018

Return Trip Detour

We left Wichita around 7:30am leaving enough time we wouldn't be late to our home inspection if we got delayed.  We were in Tulsa before 11am, another nice realization of how nice it will be to live close to family again!  We had time to grab an early lunch and chose Fat Guy's Burgers.

It's a locally owned restaurant similar to the Five Guy's chain. Everyone approved. 

Miles said, "I know why it's called Fat Guy's. It's so good you just want to keep eating and eating it, and you'll get fat."!

Then we headed to the house.

This was the first time the boys have been inside, so they were excited to look around.

They did a FULL inspection while the inspection was going on.

They even tired a game of hide and seek.

Cooper also worked on some homework.

Which included serenading our realtor and the termite inspector with recorder practice.

Speaking of termite inspector... When Miles found out he was "Looking for bugs", he followed him around for the rest of his inspection!  Thankfully the only bug found was a small ant trapped in a window screen.

And Owen begged for a bath the entire time we were there!

We also spent a little time in the backyard.  It's quite a bit smaller than the yard we're currently super spoiled with...   but it's still nice and completely fenced in.  And had a little swing shade tree.

Once the inspector was finished and we wrapped things up. (Nothing major wrong and no surprises!) We hit the road.  It doesn't take long on the road through, before we need a pit stop... this one was at  a rest area that walked over the highway.

So we spent a few minutes asking the trucks to honk for us!  They did, so that was fun.

Then we made pretty good time back to Peoria.  It was a lot of hours and miles in the van... 1,354 miles in two and half days!  These boys are road warriors!  No complaints from them, they did great, which makes me proud and very thankful.  

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