January 1, 2015

Hello, Again...

Happy New Year!  We had a great time celebrating Christmas and then ringing in the New Year and I'm back to tell you all about it.  :)  I didn't mean to be absent from this blog for so long, but I didn't get around to scheduling posts before the holidays, and I forgot to take my photo drive with us when we traveled, so I had no content.   Then when we got back home, I had to deal with the aftermath of all that had occurred...

 There, you have all my excuses.  So lets catch up, friend.

First, our newest family member is making itself known by the presence of a bitty bump.  These big brothers are very excited, I think we're going to have to make a calendar to count down until June... they ask me every day how long it will be.
(15 weeks down, 25 to go)
 I'm claiming the belly bump as baby because I'm sure not going to admit how many other areas of me have grown recently as well.  And I'm sure not going to admit that it all could just be due to too much fruitcake.

Next, lets back up a little to when Derek was on his hunting trip to Texas.  The worst thing that happened while he was away, was that Miles had a collision with a teenager in the hall at church and came home with a fat, bleeding lip.  This wasn't too bad considering how much disaster has happened in his absence before.  Miles was back to himself with no lasting issues in no time at all.

We also welcomed our missionary friends home from Zambia while Derek was away.

And one night without Daddy, the boys convinced me to go the long way home and go over the little scary slanted big bridge that over looks the city...

One day during Derek's trip, Grandma Pam showed up bearing gifts!
It was all a big blur of excitement once she handed them out.

The boys opened them right away, no need to let them sit under the tree.

She brought them magnetic dart boards!  A hit for sure... pun totally intended. 

And she knows my love language as well....  

Thanks, Pam!

It seems I'm a bit wordy in this post, I guess I missed you.  Ha.
Bear with me while I try and catch up...

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