October 7, 2014

Wild Kratt Costumes

My boys love the PBS Kid's show, "Wild Kratts".

 Cooper's friend, Ethan, went to a birthday party with a Wild Kratt's theme and got to take home with a super cool (homemade) shirt.  It made me think, "I can totally do that" so I looked up ideas and tutorials on the internet, then modified them so I didn't have to sew.  Scissors, glue, iron on, duct tape... that's my level of creativity.

I also found someone else made creature power disks and posted them on the internet for all!  Thanks, whoever you are.  I just printed them off and stuck velcro tabs on them. 

If you don't look too close, they're a success!

There are Kratt Brothers around my house often!

And if you ever need to know a random animal fact, my boys probably know the answer, and they probably learned it from the Wild Kratts.

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