October 6, 2014

Birthday Hunt

After our mini-golf game, we stopped by the Bas Pro Shop on the way home.
(We still needed to pick up the gift Aunt Anna had shipped to the store for Miles)

Walking in, Miles noticed he had his BPS shirt on and said...

"I have my Bass Pro shirt on,"

"And we're at..."

"The Bass Pro Shop!!"

After he rejoiced about that, we went in and said hello to Bonnie Blue.

And took a minute to check out flies.
(Cooper thinks it's time for his own fly rod.) 

We made it home and did the birthday song with candles.

Miles blew out the candles.

And had (another) cupcake.

Good thing he likes the frosting.

Next it was time for his first clue.
We've kept up our tradition of a scavenger hunt to find their gifts.

So in the next little while, Miles ran around the house following clues to find his gifts.

And, of course, Daddy made a video of it all.
(Find that at the end of this post!)

When Miles got to his gift from Aunt Anna, he was SO exctied!

He'd been asking for this fishing pole! 

And bugs are always a good option for this boy.

Cooper decided to end the night with another cupcake and we all decided it had been a great day!

Here is the scavenger hunt video as promised!

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