September 12, 2014

Farewell Fireflies

You might have noticed by now...  but I'm kind of grieving the end of summer.  I do enjoy things of fall, like crisp, cool air and pumpkin spice lattes.  Mostly the pumpkin spice lattes. :)  My boys are missing a few things already gone of summer too.  Mostly lightning bugs.  One of their favorite summer activities in the evening is catching them.  

They chase them around the yard (or the neighbor's yard) and proclaim, "I got one" every time they snag one.

They're always proud of their catch.

Then put them in a jar.

And keep them, at least for a little while.

Fun while it lasts, we haven't seen any glowing bugs around for quite a while now.

Miles has asks me almost every evening when the fireflies will be back.

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