August 14, 2014

Pool Night

Our local pool has an evening family swim night each week.  It was during one of the swimming lesson weeks that we decided to take advantage of it and go as a family.  Trey went too and Miles showed him around.

They played in the toddler area...

While Cooper went straight to the diving board.

Miles had pre-determined that he was not going to go down the red slide.

But Cooper was getting more brave over on the board.

By the end of the evening he was doing flips of the diving board.
Which he showed off by doing the last day of swim lessons... quite shocking his teacher!

They have removed one of the diving boards and put in a climbing wall.

It curves out at the top so as you get higher, you hang over the water.  Cooper loved it!  He did it over and over and over.  By the time I took this video, his arms were pretty worn out, but we still had to drag him out of the pool when it was time to go home.

Trey left a little earlier than the rest of us.

And Daddy tried again to convince Miles to give the slide a try.

Cooper tried to show him how fun it was too.

But he still said, "No way.".
My cautious natured baby takes after me so much.  :)

Really, we were all just freezing!  It may have been July, but it didn't really feel like it!

We made the most of it though and had a fun evening at the pool!

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