August 15, 2014

Fishing Fun

We have friends that invite us to join them at her parent's house on a lake pretty often.  Yep, you might know it as the iPhone swallowing lake.  We take our chances and hold onto our phones tightly! :)  We really enjoy going out there, always appreciate the invite and rarely turn them down.

The guys, and sometimes a couple kids, are usually out on the boat.

While the rest of us fish from the dock.

Sometimes we prove we're not really capable of keeping things in line.
Ha. (Yes, pun intended, Dad.)

Good thing my friend, Jess, enjoys the challenge of untangling lines and finds it therapeutic.

I can repay her for the untangling when she reels a fish in...

And unhook the fish, since she won't touch them.  :)

I caught one myself that I was pretty proud of.
And yes, unhooked it and threw it back myself.

Cooper likes to help with all that too, but he was off catching fireflies, worms and frogs at the time.

Soon we got the fire started.

And toasted some marshmallows.

We all enjoy a good s'more!

And we almost always end up staying too late... which means kids usually crash on the way home!  And notice Emma's jar of bugs and/or frogs and/or snails?  It's one of the reasons she gets along with my boys so well! 

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