September 11, 2013

Castle Climbing

After the trail ride we stopped at Rochman Memorial Park.  It's a castle!

 Miles saw this bear on the way in and asked me to take his picture with it.

We also saw this dragon before we went into the castle.

It was fun for climbing!

Or being rescued off of when you can't get down yourself.

Time to go check out the castle.

It took all five adults along to keep track of where the kids were.

And even then we might have misplaced one once or twice!

There were a lot of walkways, bridges and secret passage ways.

 And part of it was a maze.  I didn't think I was claustrophobic at all, but was actually short of breath and slightly panicked when we couldn't figure out which was was out!  As you can tell, my boys had none of these problems.

We made it out!

Once we located all the kids and got our group together...

We made our exit.

Back to the cabins for a little banjo practice on the porch.

Which always draws a crowd.

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