August 27, 2013

Women of Faith

The Women of Faith Conference came to Peoria so I joined
a group of friends/ladies from church and attended the event.

We'd purchased our tickets through and were pleased to arrive and find that we had floor seats!  We joked that they might put us "Grouponers" in the nose bleed section.

The first night Kari Jobe helped open the first worship session.
I've been a fan of hers for a while and she was inspiring in person.

That evening we also heard Lysa TerKeurst, a favorite author/speaker of mine.

 The next morning, I left bright and early to meet the girls for the Saturday sessions.
Once the boys woke up, Derek took them...

Our for breakfast! He sent me these via picture mail and made me slightly jealous.
I love eating breakfast out!  Ha.

I did get this view for lunch.

One of the girls' Grandparent-in-laws live in a condo right across the street from where the conference was held.  They were out of town, so we took over their condo for an hour, made lunch, ate it, cleaned up and left.  It worked great!

Most of us the ladies that went are in a women's study that has been going through a book, "7" by Jen Hatmaker. (Which I highly recommend!)  We heard Jen speak that afternoon. Good Stuff!

There was also a Mercy Me concert. 

Really, they led a worship session, which was great.  I've never been to one of their concerts so I don't know if it was just a laid back, small setting for them, but they were down to earth and real.  Very cool.

And soon after, the day was over. 
This was my first Women of Faith event... I really enjoyed it.   

And I came home to lovely flowers my boys had picked out from the farmers market.
...after they ate breakfast out without me.  :)

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