August 26, 2013

On the First Day

Today was Cooper's first day of school!

It might not surprise you that I took a few pictures this morning.  :)

After much discussion and even more prayer, we've decided to homeschool Cooper.

I was planning to wait and start school after Labor Day,
but Cooper was anxious since all his friends were starting.

  Rolling with his excitement and the fact that all his books came and things fell into place, I made a plan a week ago to start on August 26th.  Everything that came together for this to happen confirmed to me that I was on track.  (Thanks, God!)

Homeschooling is a family event...  I grew up knowing this.
Now so do my kids.

Yes, when Cooper is 'in school' Miles will always be nearby.

 Both boys are fine with that...  high five!

And since Miles wants to do everything his brother does,
he may end up with a passing grade in kindergarten this year also! (but not really...)

 And with that (i.e. Mommy's photo session) day one was off and running!

Okay, just a few more, then we got to work.

I found things to keep Miles busy.

But he abandoned it often to check out what Cooper was up to.

With periodic play times between.

He made his rounds.

And if teaching helps you learn, Cooper has this part down.

They didn't want to quit today.  I wish I could bottle that up for a few months down the road! But I convinced them to go have our first official recess outside.

Day one: in the books! 

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