August 28, 2013

Feeling Bugged

Bugs are a fun find around our house.  Once in a while one sneaks in the house like this one did when friends went out the door.  It was disgusting and huge and my boys thought it was great!

One day the boys went out to play and spotted this leaf bug on the grill cover.

And a matching one on the door out of the garage.

...which Miles didn't want to walk past to get outside.

So I took his hand and walked him by it.

And then he was fine.  The bug must have left at some point, so Miles was free to enter the garage again when he pleased.

And he got outside just in time too.  Cooper had found a live cicada.

He managed to coax it onto a stick and carried it around.

He named it and renamed it a few times before helping it onto a tree.

Cooper likes to collect the shells and keep them in a jar.

Miles crunched one of them one day and then both boys were in tears.

...not like they don't have enough to last until next summer.

One day we spotted this cicada still in his shell.

I realized he was about to climb out of it though, so we settled in to watch.

It was really interesting to see!

It took 30-45 minutes for him to get completely out.

So the boys came and went, but saw what was happening.

I thought it was so cool.

 I didn't get it started right away, but I set up a time lapse to catch the action.

So here is the video of the whole thing, minus the very beginning.

Oh, and remember that leaf bug that 'left'?  I found him later.  He must have been crawling up the inside of the door jam when we shut the door.  Oops.

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