July 18, 2013

Independence Day - Wrap Up

Our evening in Yale was spent at the magic show.  We enjoyed watching the show, especially the final assistant called up to assist:  COOPER!

The magician said he was looking for a five year old boy to help and everyone around Cooper started yelling...  and apparently got his attention.  Cooper was taken up and introduced himself.

Then got to help do a couple magic tricks.  Illusions :)

It was funny to watch him be surprised about what was happening.

If you want to watch a little, here is the video.  It's kind of long, but is only a small part of the 13 minute video Derek shot.  Most of it was an 'infomercial' for what was for sale in the back after the show though.

Cooper didn't complain, he got to keep one of everything as they showed the audience what was for sale!  Right before I took this picture he said, "I won all this!".  HA.

Speaking of winning stuff... 
Derek won a prize in the raffle.

Soon after the magic show, it was dark enough to go to the fireworks.

Miles didn't care for the loud noise and cuddled into Grandpa. And fell asleep?  Nope.  I thought he was but as soon as the fireworks were over, he stood up and said,
"Okay, lets go."!

Back at the Mleynek Farm, we played with a little more fire to end the night.

Miles was okay with this quieter version of firework fun.

It was a great day celebrating our country's independence!

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