July 19, 2013

Farm Fun

We spent the morning of July 5th hopping from farm to farm.
We left Grandpa Don's and went over to Uncle Dennis' to see the cows.


The boys are rather fascinated with cows up close.

We checked out the dogs too.  Uncle Den raises grey hounds.

Some of us left and took a short tour of the countryside and even drove by the first house Derek ever lived in.  And at some point during the day, I guess this happened.  I snagged all the photos off Derek's phone and this was with them.  It's an outdoor shooting range.

This happened too.  Derek bow hunted some turkey on the target, I guess.

And some four wheeling happened.

Make that a lot of four wheeling!

And yes, this happened!  :)  Amy and I left our kiddos with Grandma's and Aunts and went to find the nearest nail salon for a pedicure.  It was nice!

At some point, Miles helped Grandpa Gordie move some branches to the burn pile.

And when evening came Uncle Brent started a bon fire so the kids could make s'mores.

And while they waited for the fire to ready for marshmallows,
the kids hunted for fireflies.

And were successful at catching a few.

Miles was getting a little impatient for darkness to fall so we could shoot some more fireworks.

But we distracted him with a yummy s'more.

By then it was time for the fireworks.

Which on the farm means you give fairly young children fire and explosives and watch the fun.  :-/

And, oh, they had fun!


And I don't know why Miles was so anxious to shoot the fireworks he hates so much.
Once we covered his ears, he was much more comfortable with the situation.

It's hard to take phone pictures in the dark, so that's about where it leaves off.

Most of them look something like this.

The farm sure is exhausting!

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