July 17, 2013

Independence Day - The Fun Continues

After lunch we left napping babies with Grandma's and Aunts and Derek and I took Coop and Zella back to town.  This is the time we usually catch the Bathtub Race but they didn't have one this year.  We were bummed!

On the short drive, Cooper introduced Zella to Rescue Bots.

When we got to town we signed the kids up for the pedal pull.  Zella wasn't sure she wanted to participate. But when she saw the little tractor like her Dad's childhood tractor she rides at home, she was willing.

And she won 1st place in the four year old category!

Cooper pulled too.

He got a silver half dollar for participating.  :)

Next we found the bounce house area.


We watched Cooper and Zella go down this slide over and over.

And then jump for a while.

So then a snow cone was in order to help them cool down.

We found an air conditioned building to sit and enjoy them.
(While Grandpa/Uncle Dale filled out raffle tickets)

Zella even shared with her big cousin, Derek.

Then we headed back out to the farm.
...where Miles was awake from his nap and ready to play.

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