July 16, 2013

Independence Day - Start the Celebration

We start out every Independence Day in Iowa by going to the Yale Community Center for an omelet breakfast.  I didn't get a picture, but you go through a line of about 8-10 ladies making made to order omelets.  Or in Miles' case, scrambled eggs.  And there are always muffins, juice and coffee.  Great way to start a holiday!

Next we park ourselves on Main street...

 and wait for the parade to start.

The first thing to come is always the firetruck with the flag.
And the high school band right behind.

They stop and play the national anthem while everyone stands and sings along.

And then the whole parade moves on by.

And EVERYONE throws candy to the child spectators. So it's a game of running out to get candy after it's thrown and before the next thing comes.

These guys filled their bag pretty full!

...it's really all about the candy.

And the company.  Miles took breaks to sit with Uncle Trey and a cousin, Megan.

Here come our guys on Grandpa's tractors!

Grandpa Dale... throwing more candy to the kids.

And Derek... just to top off the candy bags.

Uncle Brent.

And Grandpa Gordie.
We missed you and your Ford, Uncle Bruce!

It's a fun small town parade where you see horses.

Old cars.


And yes, even spray painted goats.

After the parade the guys drove the tractors back out to the Van Gundy farm and we all followed to go eat some lunch...  and let the littlest kiddos catch a nap.

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