July 15, 2013

Independence Day - The Beginning

Derek's company gives them a half day off before any holiday.  So we were able to hit the road around 1pm on July 3rd and head to Iowa to celebrate Independence Day with family.

The World's Largest Truckstop along I-80 has become a favorite pit stop.

We also stopped for some dinner at Noodles & Company where
after I'd finished my pad thai, Miles swiped my chopsticks...

And attempted to eat his Mac & Cheese with them.

He even got a little in his mouth!

A little while later we made it to the farm! There were some excited little Van Gundys waiting to play. These are Derek's Uncle Brent's three kids - Zella(4), Laney(2) and Archie(1).  They had made the trip just hours in front of us all the way from southern Illinois.

Grandpa Gordie had a bike just Cooper's size and he didn't waste anytime showing of his new two wheel skills.

And had an Aunt show him how it's done.  :)

Miles borrowed Laney's bike and loved it.
Time to upgrade this boy to pedals, I guess!

And then the big guys pulled out the motorized wheels!

I asked Miles if he wanted to ride and he asked, "Does it go fast?".
When my answer was yes, his was no.

Grandpa Gordie also pulled out the BIG wheels and gave rides.

I finally convinced Miles to climb on once this one broke down in the yard and wasn't moving.

Grandpa tinkered a little and got it running and Miles stayed on for a ride!

Then Grandma Debbie showed up with gifts (and fireworks, since they come through Missouri!) for all the littles!

We didn't stay at the Van Gundy's so we headed over to the Mleynek farm (10 minutes down the road) to crash for the night.  We ended our night with a bedtime snack of Grandma Neva's cherry pie... but no pictures to prove it, I guess.  But a great start to our trip!

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