July 20, 2013

Farewell Farm

Miles Saturday on the farm started off with a bath in the camper sink.

That's where we stayed and there is only a shower, so the sink for him it was!

Miles didn't mind at all...  and we didn't either.  This is a really nice camper.
Derek and I stayed in the master suite.  :)

And this kitchen is amazing...  and not just for a camper!

It even has a flat screen with the dish access.  Cartoons in the camper, anyone?

We decided we could live in one of these if the need ever arose.  It's as spacious as our new house. :)
(Yes, NEW house... we closed yesterday!  Stay tuned for details!)

The boys slept on the hide-a-bed and slept great.

Back to the outside world... the boys helped Grandpa Don pick some veggies to take home.

And then we said our goodbyes to the Mleynek side.

We stopped by the Van Gundy's to say goodbye there.
I soon found Cooper down in the window well on a hunt.

He passed about fourteen little tiny toads up to Zella and Miles.

And scored this guy for himself!

And soon they were all showing anyone who would get close enough what they'd found!  Grandma Jan had just had a knee replacement and couldn't go far.  She's a good sport with the great grands anyway... even with toads.  (She was a good sport all the way around and was doing great for just having such a major operation!)

We put the toads in the flower beds and said our goodbyes to family.
So long, Iowa, it's been another great Independence Day!

It didn't take long for the boys to be OUT cold.

And even though we enjoyed the farm so much, it was time to wash it off when we got home.  Yes, Miles' day started and ended with a bath... oh the joys of farm life!

1 comment:

  1. I love that camper! I would definitely be up for camping if it involved that!
