October 1, 2012

Where We Live...Continued

You might have read my post about where we live.  I never posted a picture of our bedroom because it wasn't unpacked, it had clutter all over and I hadn't hung anything on the walls.  And...none of that has changed, but I decided to post a picture anyway.  So here it is, for my sisters, who like to know every detail...we're close like that. And it's been quite a while since we lived so far away from each other that we haven't been to each others dwelling places. 

Our room doubles as the office which means extra clutter. I cleaned off the desk to take pictures and there are piles of clutter strategically placed out of sight. 

The door you can partially see is the walk in closet.  There is a reason you aren't getting a look inside.  It's very full! You can also see into the master bathroom. 

It's nice to have but not near as pretty as the one Derek had remodeled in our last home.

And it's not a permanent fixture, but this is my favorite part of our bathroom. I rarely get around to actually following through on an idea I pin on Pinterest.  But this one... I needed.

This is my original inspiration then I modified it a little.

I bought a frame and put hooks (Derek drilled pilot holes for me) in along the bottom to hang necklaces.

I put a couple hooks into the sides and hung a chain (old necklace) across to hang earrings on.

And a couple in the sides and slid a dowel rod through them to hold bracelets.
I plan on painting the dowels, but have yet to finish this.

I might have gone a bit crazy on a $.99 bangle sale so I added a second rod across the top.
The little pouch is where I keep studs and earrings to small to hang on the chain.
It's the most organized my jewelry has ever been!  In fact it's probably now the most organized thing in our home.


  1. The bedroom looks adorable! And I was just thinking about your jewelry organizer this week. Since Body Central is so cheap, I mean has such wonderful deals, I think I'm going to need to make one o those! Where did you score the cute frame?
