September 29, 2012

"Neighborhood" Tour

We've been making friends around our apartment complex. So this post is a little tour of what we do around our "neighborhood".  Here we are with Erica and Gina, who live directly below us on the ground floor. And Kelsy, who lives in the building next to us:

Kelsy is from South Africa and has the cutest little accent.

Adidya and Adidi live in same the building as Kelsy.

Erica is eleven but loves to play with my boys. Cooper asks first thing every day, "Does Erica have to go to school today?".  And then when the answer is yes, he asks every few minutes for the rest of the day, "Is it four o'clock yet?".  He hears it so often that Miles has started asking, "four o'clock?" now too.  Cooper and Erica often play volleyball.

Miles likes to try volleyball too.

And he's actually pretty good!

We play baseball sometimes too.

And skateboard.

Play frisbee.

Look at bugs.

Play with a foxtail.

And sometimes just run for fun!

And once in a while a couple pirates (Arrrr!) go on a treasure hunt.
Adidya even drew a map for this hunt.

Miles likes to push Kelsy's stroller around...making motor sounds.

Sidewalk chalk is also fun.

We have a lot of sidewalk.

And when the weather is a little cool to play outside a game of Candyland inside is fun.

But we're enjoying the days we can be outside playing with new friends!

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