October 2, 2012

Spy Song

We have a 'costume box' at our house.  It's filled with a random assortment of things and a favorite disguise recently has been spy attire. 

 This video is a bit long so you might not make it all the way through, but Cooper often turns his world into a musical.  I love it.... Derek has been heard saying, "It's like he thinks he's in the Newsies or something".  :)


  1. Ohhhhh, we love this!! I was laughing so hard! I feel like Josiah is famous now :)

    Also, I think it's more of a rap/cartoon theme song genre than Newwies :)

    Let's have another one of these again soon!

  2. HAHAHA!! SO funny/cute :)
    Kendra told me about this, so I had to come check it out ;)

  3. My boys loved watching this! "Play it again!"
