December 20, 2010

Our Christmas Dinner

Christmas came a little early to our house!
We've made it a tradition to have our little family celebration the weekend
before we go to Wichita to spend Christmas with our families.

Derek helped with the dinner... and Cooper helped him.

They're washing mussels. Making them was Derek's contribution to our Christmas dinner.

Cooper helped chop the cilantro. He kept saying, "I'm making dinner."

Finished Mussels:

Then it was time to enjoy.
Bacon wrapped beef fillet with sauteed mushrooms, twice baked sweet potatoes,
stir fry green beans, steamed mussels and cranberry salad. YUM!


  1. Looks Great!!Great job kids and a nice tradition to have. Cooper is quite a good helper!! Have a Merry Christmas!! Love you, Gpa & Gma VG

  2. Mmmmm, not sure about the mussels but they do look tempting! Beautiful dinner :)
