December 18, 2010

Taste of Christmas

One of my very favorite memories growing up was the annual decorating of Christmas Cookies.
Angie did a fun post with this picture last year.

I want to share this experience with my kids so Cooper and I have done this every year.
Last year and the year before were fun, but Cooper was even more into it this year.

He got a snowman apron from Ty & Lauren for his Birthday.
He put it on and was ready to help.

Miles {literally} hung out while we worked:

And Cooper helped in his usual way.

His favorite part:

Or maybe this is his favorite part?

It is GOOD dough! We both snuck a little.

With the first phase complete, Cooper pulled up a chair to watch them bake!

Then once they cooled we moved on to frosting.

And sprinkles. Cooper really likes sprinkles. But he calls them "Sparkles".

Caught in the act!
When he should have been frosting this guy... he was eating it!

He only frosted about three before he started snacking on them.

And then I finished them.

Fun and Yummy memories completed. :)


  1. Ok. You have to tell me how you do your frosting...they look so good every year!!! Or, just come show me. :)

  2. Joy- The link to the cookie and frosting recipe is in the link where I said, "dough". I like to make mine a pretty thick consistency. And I put frosting in a little baggie and cut a hole in the corner and use that to do the piping. The size of the hole will determine the size of the piping... makes it fun! If we lived closer, I'd have a cookie decorating party. (And take photos all PW style! HA)

  3. We could have a cookie decorating party anytime you're here...that sounds like fun!

  4. You do an amazing job with the frosting! As hard as I try, I lack the frosting decorating gene!

  5. We love to do this too but our cookies don't turn out as beautiful. We'll have to try the baggie piping trick. Thanks!
