February 21, 2009

All About Cooper

It's so hard to post about everything Cooper is learning to do and say. So I'm going to write some out. If this post is boring to you... skip it! :)
It's mostly for our family that don't see him often enough. (no matter how often)

First is a list of all the words Cooper attempts to say. I've had this going for a while and decided I need to post it since it's growing everyday. In my opinion he shouldn't be talking this much at 12 months old... I think we're in trouble! He can't say all these words perfectly, but since I hear how he repeats what I ask him to say, I know what he's saying to me later. The crazy thing is that "Basketball" is one of the longest, yet one of the ones he says the clearest! On to the list:

  • Daddy
  • Mommy
  • Doggy (and "woof woof")
  • Hi
  • Night Night
  • Socks
  • Ball
  • Balloon
  • Kitty
  • Makes "P" sound for "Please" while he does the sign language
  • Thank You
  • Signs "More" but has yet to say it.
  • Uh Oh (only in a low growly voice though)
  • Shoes
  • Guitar
  • Monkey
  • "Look at that" (all slurred together)
  • Blues Clues
  • Eyes (while poking himself or anything around him in the eyes)
  • Stairs
  • Basketball
  • Apple
  • Yucky
  • Hot
  • Outside
  • Bye Bye
  • Shhhh (While putting his finger to his mouth)
  • Mmmmmmm
  • Boo
  • All Done
  • Pretzel
  • Banana

Cooper also does some other tricks. :) He's such a copy cat! And when I tell him that he says, "Kitty, kitty" in a high voice cause he thinks I'm talking about the cat! It seems like things in his little world are clicking and he's figuring out how things work.

Here are a few of my favorites:

He folds his hands to pray every time I put him in his highchair.

He holds his arm up for me to put his jacket on when I get it out:

He's getting pretty good at using a fork!

Even if he sometimes still takes the food off the fork to put it in his mouth!

You may have noticed him eating with his left hand.
I think he's left handed! Not sure yet, but it's dominate so far.

He's started putting on our shoes if he sees them laying around:

He sings along with music. Especially in the car:

He loves balls and sports! (YAY!) And this kid can throw!

If I hold my hand out, he'll come hold it while we walk:

Okay... that's enough for now. Maybe I'll do posts like this more often so they aren't so long!


  1. I think that was a great post. I hope to be able to do some similar when Koen gets a bit bigger. The whole reason that I started blogging was so my family could keep up on the day to day's of our lives...you did just that,in such an entertaining way...Cooper-style!

  2. This is precious...makes me feel like I'm right there with each milestone! Keep em coming!

  3. I loved this! Many of the words are just like Derek did so many years ago. If he keeps this up, he'll be singing complete songs by his 2nd birthday!

  4. I just remembered "Daddy's watch", "Where's the ball" (all slurred), and "He Kee Kee" for here kitty, kitty.

  5. I loved this post! Way to keep us in the loop.

  6. Those first things are such a joy to experience...folding hands to pray, eating with a fork, holding your hand to walk. They warm your heart in a special way!

  7. Cooper - You are so cute! Uncle Bruce & I are enjoying watching you grow up and getting soooo big :)

  8. This is so cute! Thanks for keeping us up to date on what the little guy is up to!

  9. brilliant post. you're smart to document things like this because pretty soon he will be so old and you will forget what he could do at what stage!

    1. i LOVE IT when babies do sign language! i especially love it when they do the sign for "more". can you post a video of him doing "more"?

    2. what is he eating with the fork? is that some sort of taco salad? it looks really delicious. did you eat it with him too or did you prepare it just for him? because i think if i went to your house i would like to eat what he's eating.

    3. love the arm reach for the coat. did you do this to take the picture, or were you actually going someplace? it makes me love the picture even more that he's on a toy and playing, but still reaches his arm out when he thinks you're going to put his coat on. what a good baby!

  10. so cute! he is getting so big. i'm so glad you keep a blog, because now i feel like i know him even though i don't!
