February 20, 2009

Talkin' and Walkin'

These videos are a week old. But we've been having computer
issues and all the pictures are spread around on different computers,
hard drives and jump drives.
All that to say I just found these and wanted to post them. :)

In this one you can hear Cooper say, "Uh oh".
He always says it in a low, growly, whispery voice!
You'll also hear him say, "Balloon".

Daddy came home and fixed the problem of losing the balloon.
He tied it to his belt loop!

Cooper is finally saying, "Mama"! He's been saying "Daddy" for a long time.
And since I took this video he's been saying, "Mommy"!! Awwwww :)


  1. The Rouses say yay for so many videos!!

    I love your new header!

  2. Fun videos - I laughed hard at Cooper walking around with that balloon tied to his belt loop :)

    Isn't it fun when they start to talk!! That was a very sweet "mama."

  3. It is so special when they say Mama...that post brought a smile to my face!

  4. i love his little voice! i also really like your house...the layout AND the way you've decorated it! love the monkey rug!
