December 7, 2008

Third Annual Kansas City Shopping Extravaganza!

This weekend was the third year that my sister, Angie, and our friend, Kristin,
have come to Kansas City to go Christmas shopping. Just like last year and the year before...
we had a great time and found great bargains!

Kristin, Cooper and Angie at the Legends:

Entertaining Cooper in a fitting room mirror:

Lunch at the Cheesecake Factory on the Plaza:

We took our cheesecake to go and ate it later. YUMMY!

Cooper did great having to shop all weekend! He took his naps in the car or stroller.
Here he is after we got home on Saturday... crazy hair! :)

It was a fun and BUSY weekend!
Derek and I finished the rest today so we're done with our Christmas shopping!
God provided just what we needed...when we were done we had $10 left over in the "Christmas Shopping Budget"!


  1. As always it was a great weekend!! Loved looking at the past years too! So glad we started this tradition.

  2. It was an infomative post, and yet, the cheesecake picture was mouth watering (you don't have that option), until I got to Cooper's hair...then the post got funny. Very well rounded!

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  4. Isn't a great that we are blessed and God honors your Proverbs 31 lifestyle to allow you these times of sharing as friends and sisters as you shop for others!

  5. Well said, Cheri!
    You save up all year for this!
    Looks like a great time! That's a great feeling to be all done with Christmas shopping & be under budget!!

  6. Great job on the shopping Amy! I crown you the Bargain Queen!! Love it when you come in exactly where you need to!! You should take the $10 and have an "at home date" after Cooper goes to bed.

  7. Way to go on being done with Christmas shopping! Very efficient. Cheesecake looks delish - it's nice that you were all able to enjoy yourselves and have fun! What a fun tradition. Cooper is cute as ever. Onesies! Onesies! Haha

  8. Cooper looks like Mr. Nezzer from the Veggie Tales in that pic!
