December 8, 2008


While shopping over the weekend I found an item I've been watching for...
A nativity! Someday I hope to get a better one but for now
I just got a cheap little one that Cooper can touch.

Cooper was excited as I took it out of the box. He clapped...

...and looked.

And did a taste test!

I want to teach him early the meaning of Jesus!


  1. I love this post! The picture of him with the animal hanging out of his mouth is hilarious!! And the last picture of your hands holding baby Jesus is so precious!

  2. Very sweet. There is no more important job than sharing Jesus with your own children. Thanks for sharing this post.

  3. What a great post. I love that last picture. My girls enjoy our "kid friendly" nativity too. They play with it on a daily basis and Lola loves to tell Olivia the Christmas Story using the little statues.

  4. i just want to eat his little hands! ahhh! cute nativity set, and i like your necklace too! does cooper try to put that in his mouth too?
