December 21, 2008

Early Christmas

Since we'll go to Wichita on Christmas, we decided to celebrate our Christmas this weekend.

We started with a "Christmas Dinner" on Friday night. Steak & Shrimp and yummy sides:

Cooper's first steak dinner:

Then we opened the gifts we had for each other...okay mostly for Cooper!

The first gift from Mommy & Daddy...

That's one method.

Then he found the ribbon.

Once we put that where he couldn't find it he was back to the gift.

With a little effort... he got his first gift open! He was rather pleased with it, I think!

It was a paper-fest after that!

From G'ma Jan & G'pa Gordie:

It's a CD player for his room! And a lullaby CD!

From G'pa Secor:

It's a Basketball Hoop!!

From G'pa Don & G'ma Neva:

It's a Little People Farm!!

And Tractor!

With a farmer to drive it!

Derek and I got him a drum to replace the shoe box and jump rope.

Derek ended the evening with some homemade egg nog that he made. I did try it, and admitted that is was the best I've had. I don't really desire to consume raw egg though.

Cooper says thanks to all the Great Grandparent's for his wonderful gifts!!


  1. Finally!! I've been dying to see pictures!! Ronnie & I agree, the picture of him looking at his DVD is the CUTEST thing!! Only two more days, Copper!!

    P.S. Cute shirt ;)

  2. Cooper is at such a fun age to have his first Christmas!!

    I love eggnog, but am nervous about raw egg too...I saw on a cooking show that you can put the eggs in a bowl & put it over boiling water, keep stirring it, and it cooks the eggs. Haven't tried it, but looked like a good idea!!
