December 31, 2008

Christmas Day

We spent Christmas Day with my family.

Cooper got tired right when it was time to open gifts. But he hung in there till the end!
Here he is snuggling with Uncle Jared:

The cousins all drew names and exchanged gifts:

The adults do a White Elephant exchange:

Checking out what Daddy got! (a Stylophone)

Time for the kids to open stockings!

All the kids opening!

Cooper exploring other people's gifts:

Snuggling with he gets to take a nap!

After he woke up he did some reading with Aunt Anna:

And played with Papa:


  1. I almost feel like I was there. Good post! I love the one where Cooper has his arm around Drake. Very sweet!

  2. Thanks for inviting us to share in the Bauer Christmas celebration!!
