December 30, 2008

Christmas Eve

I'm long overdue posting our Christmas celebrations!!
We had a wonderful time with family and watching Cooper enjoy his first Christmas!!

We spent Christmas Eve with Derek's family. We put this puzzle together in one evening!

Grandma Debbie and Cooper visiting Jenna.

Cooper loves the dogs!

He played ball with Bella.

We had a yummy soup dinner and then opened gifts.

Trey & Drew with their gifts from us:

The big guys:


Cooper likes to help.

Cooper got this squishy frog!

He likes to chew on it...

He put it down to play with his train!

Hugs from Grandma!

Cooper playing with Uncle Drew's gift:

Mikiah with her gift:

I got pots & pans! I've never had a set (just odds and ends) and I'm so excited!!

Cooper helped assemble Debbie's new jewelry box:

Cooper helping Grandpa with something too:

It was a great evening!


  1. Yay, finally new pictures! The frog hanging out of Cooper's mouth is crazy funny! Looks like a fun evening. Mal is so stinking cute...are arranged marriages allowed any more?

  2. What fun...I like the frog too! He is such a cutie! Looks like you had a lot of fun!
