January 1, 2009

A Christmas Zoo Trip

While we were in Wichita we had a day that was almost 70 degrees!
We decided a trip to the zoo would be fun.

Cooper REALLY enjoyed the petting zoo!

Trey....texting and pushing Cooper:

Mikiah's turn to push Cooper:

Dale feeding the peacock:

Cooper saying "hi" to the goats:

The gorillas were enjoying the weather... they were active!

One came and sat right next to Cooper!

Cooper enjoying a ride with Trey... and playing with Mal:


We had a great time!


  1. What a gift to have a day like that to enjoy the zoo together!

  2. You have some great pictures. Love the one of you guys and the gorilla.

  3. 70 degrees sounds perfect! I love the one with the Uncles and Cooper, so sweet. Trey is quite the multi-tasker...I can't text very well, let alone do it while pushing a stroller.
