July 17, 2008

How We Spent Our Wednesday

In the morning we all went to visit Joy, Grayson & Tate Bergquist. We had fun catching up... it had been a while since we'd done that! We'll plan to do it again after the new baby comes!

All the kids.
Not including the one still in Joy's belly :)

Some monkeys...err.. boys on the top bunk:

Angie, Joy & I (Josiah took this picture for us!)

In the afternoon, Cooper and I went to the Springs house. I cut Luke's hair and Cooper played with his friend, Jake, and all the kids:

Then we went to Derek's parent's house for a while:

Dale blinked in all of them! :)

Uncle Drew:

Cooper rolled under the sofa!

Uncle Trey & Cooper hanging with Jimmy the cat!

Cooper sat at the Mleynek table for the first time.

And put his toes in the pool.

We saw Chris & Karma in the evening.

Chris thought Cooper needed to taste a lime out of his lime-aid!

At first he liked it.

Then made this face!

Later I found him hard at work at this computer! Blogging I'm sure! I'll teach him how at a young age... he can take over soon! :)


  1. Thanks for letting us play with Cooper. I remember you & Derek doing things like that with Drew and Jade back in the day!! Cooper is a cutie!!

  2. Love the lime face...
    Glad he has a laptop too! He'll be using yours before too long!

  3. Cooper seems so comfortable with lots of different people. What a sweetie.
