July 18, 2008

Our Thursday

First thing we went to find some 'goodies' at garage sales. The boys were confused and thought we were out looking for desserts! The whole thing was more fun to them when they realized that 'goodies' could be toys!

Josiah & Jacob were each given a quarter to spend.... but had to put them together to buy their treasure.

A keyboard!

Angie and I took turns checking out sales so that we didn't have to get all the kids unbuckled every time.

I found a Buzz Lightyear at a sale and asked the boys... who wants the keyboard, who wants what's behind door number two?? :)

Josiah chose the surprise and was excited.

Ethan and Mandy came over this afternoon. Cousins on the couch pictures...

Cooper loves Jaedyn!

Ethan playing...and sharing with Cooper.

Four packages arrived in the mail today from Aunt Anna!

Four happy kids waiting to see what's in them!

Ethan's package was sent to his house... he'd already opened it at home.

Cooper got a book! Yay!

He likes the look of Jaedyn's candy though!

Tonight Angie and I went to Renetta's house to play Bunco. Cooper got to meet her baby, Isaiah.

Then he played in Isaiah's exersaucer while we played Bunco. Thanks, Isaiah!

Joy, Renetta & Angie at the loser's table. :)

Michelle, Tiffany, Amy and Jess at the winner's table!

The overall winners! Joy, Angie & Michelle...who needs to get herself a blog!

Renetta took Cooper and he fell right to sleep! Thanks, Renetta!

We even stopped at Target on the way home and Cooper stayed alseep! (Or maybe Derek's right and shopping is boring!)

Then to bed...


  1. When I got home Chris asked me who all was there. As I was listing everyone I realized I was the only one without a sister there!
