December 16, 2019

Trick-or-Treat 2019

What? You're prepping for Christmas? haha, well let me catch you up on our halloween. 😂
I got out our candy buckets and there was still candy inside! I think it was from an Independence Day parade rather than last years, but still. 

Miles decided fairly early what he wanted to dress as.  "Drift" from Fortnite.
This game be time to paint and glue together an outfit. ha.

Cooper decided he wasn't going to dress up and trick-or-treat this year.  Then at the last minute he changed his mind!  So, totally not my style, he dressed in a (boring) store bought onsie costume. 😁

Owen was all over the board deciding what he wanted to dress up as, but finally landed on Bob Ross.  Yes, he watches the show. 😂  He loved this and even said, "Happy Little Trees" on repeat while wearing it. 

Once I finally had all the photos I wanted, we were off!
(Even with just this much of his outfit on, so many people said, "Oh, it's Bob Ross!)

Door to door we went!

We spent quite a bit of our time at our neighbor's Tunnel of Terror, but still collected plenty of candy! 

The boys also enjoyed handing some out once we were back home.

Then sorting candy before they finally crashed and went to bed. 

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