April 4, 2019

Spring Break in El Paso - Hiking

The first morning in El Paso was a nice easy start.  Owen cuddled on the couch with Aunt Angie and Leia, the pooch.  Josiah gave up his bed for us, so he slept on the couch, meaning he woke up when Owen did... ha.

We got around and headed out for a hike.

It was a bit breezy and chilly at first.  But we warmed up quickly.

And saw quite the views! 

From this spot, we could see New Mexico, Mexico, all while standing in Texas.

We could also see all these little cactus plants. 

...or NOT see them, until it was too late!

I think everyone took a turn pulling needles out of their ankles.

Especially the ones that chose to go off the trail!

The bigs helped Owen stay on track though.
(After Aunt Angie walked him into a yuca plant! He only suffered a small flesh wound! He's fine.😂)

It really was a great way to start our visit... so pretty!

And great views from the "top"!  Our designated top, anyway.

But then we had to get back down. :)

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