April 6, 2019

Spring Break in El Paso - Different Types of Hikes

Another morning in El Paso: Breakfast and a game of cards.

Owen wasn't allowed to mess up the game play cards.
JUST KIDDING: he put himself in there and it wasn't even locked.

Ronnie had to go to work, but Derek took four of the boys and headed out to do more hiking.

They basically pretended to be mountain goats!

And I'm glad they enjoyed it, but I'm also glad I wasn't there to witness it. 🙈

They didn't even stay on the trail, but chose their own.

Which meant they had to climb up over some rocks to make loop back.

That's Derek's prefered way to hike, rather than walk to a point and turn around and walk back the same way. 

As you can see, they guys were all in, they went for it with him.

And found some great views!

Even a little snow!

And everyone lived to tell about it. :)

All of them said it was a great hike!

Meanwhile, the rest of us were doing a different type of hike.
Outlet Mall style! :)

💕My sister bought me a coffee too. 💕

And Owen was well taken care of by cousins!

Which meant I could enter a dressing room.by.myself.
Yes, I take photos in dressing rooms.  It's called a "Try On Session". 😂😂

Actually, if you want to see a lot of outfit selfies of me, I've started a sort of ootd (outfit of the day) Instagram account.  Follow me! https://instagram.com/allaccordingtoamy

Or check out my outfits on this site: https://www.stylinity.com/@allaccordingtoamy

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