April 2, 2019

Awards Assembly March 2019

I knew the boys had an awards assembly, and that they'd split it up so that they weren't in the same one this time.  We got an email saying that Cooper would be receiving an award, so I planned to over in the afternoon for his.  But while I was grocery shopping that morning, I got a text from our neighbor with this photo...

Oops. #momfail Miles got one too!  For outstanding P.E. Student. (Ha, whatever that means!)

Cooper got recognized for the Tiger Challenge letter of G for Gratitude.  

We (me...and Owen.) were there for that, so I got a photo myself.

Owen found a friend in our little corner and shared the dragons he'd brought to play with.  His friend (or friend's mom) shared some fruit snacks with Owen, so that made his day.  Since I don't buy those. ha.

Owen also spent some time crawling around under my chair!

AND: Cooper made the Honor Roll again!

...looking all smart wearing his blue light blocking glasses. 😂🤓

The assistant principal messed up our last name, which we're used to.  But you can hear Owen in this video asking why they're saying "Cooper's wrong name..". 

More than about making honor roll, Cooper was excited to introduce me to a few classmates.  I then asked one of them to please take our photo!  You know me...
Proud Mama!

Owen found a cricket in the foyer on the way out and kindly put it outside in the landscaping.
Always creature catching. 

Then we went to the van and just pulled around to the pick up line a little early.
Which meant we had just a little extra time to kill waiting in the parking lot...

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