May 16, 2018

Garage Sale Day One

We've been prepping for a garage sale by piling things in the garage. ha.

Eventually, we sorted things, priced things, and made signs to help people find us.

Friday morning came and we headed out early to start setting up.  That's when we noticed those dark clouds rolling in.  They weren't in the forecast the night before, but storms had popped up overnight.

So we looked again.  Yep.

So a whole lot faster than we'd been getting things set out, we pulled them all back in!

Some of it into the house just to get it out of the impending rain.

We worked to get the garage shut again the hunkered down.

And this was only the small storm, there was another one coming.

So I took the boys to school and ran a few errands that I wasn't sure how to get done otherwise. So that worked out!  Then by mid morning, the storm had passed and we got going all over again.

Owen was a high pressure little salesman!  He kept greeting everyone and asking them to buy something. 

But apparently it wore him out because he went inside and put himself down for a nap around before noon!

But the sale went on.  Maybe it was the weather, maybe it was our quiet street and out of the way location...  but we didn't have a lot of traffic.

I even put the Star Wars things on display since it was Star Wars day...
May the Fourth be with you. :)

One of our neighbors had a sale too, so that helped draw some people in, I'm sure.  Another stopped by to stay hi after the boys were home from school.

We closed down for the night and went to Life Group.
Then we did a little prep for day two.

The boys' table was ready for morning!

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