July 31, 2017

Independence Day in Iowa 2017 - Tours, Pigs, Ribs & Tattoos

After the storm clouds rolled in and we left the cookout, we decided to go visit Dale's cousin Tom's Bed and Breakfast.  We stayed there a few years ago, and Tom and his wife, Sarah, had told us we should stop by and see the updates.

They were out for a walk when we arrived, so we went to look at the pigs. 

And the pigs really wanted to see us... they all lined up at the fence!

If you've ever been this close to pigs, you know the smell.  It's one I know from childhood and will never forget! 

Owen wasn't sure about the noisy pigs or the smell.

Cooper and Miles were curious and wanted to see more pigs in the barn.

I think they were actually trying to find the chickens they chased around a few years ago, but they only found pigs.

Tom and Sarah were back by then had their dog with them.  He greeted Owen super enthusiastically!

Daddy pulled him out of jumping reach and they met each other more on Owen's terms.

Once the excitement calmed down, they played for quite a while with this great dog.

We got a tour of the house then headed back to G'pa's house.  We hadn't been there long when G'pa showed up with smoked ribs!

Cooper loves, loves, loves ribs and dug right in!

He might have inherited that love from someone. :)

Sometime before we headed back to town, we remembered we'd brought temporary tattoos.

We'd planned to put them on in the morning...

but we stuck them on in time for the evening fireworks.

Oh, Miles...

Owen got some too.

G'ma Debbie declined 'getting inked', but now we're ready for fireworks!!

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