July 3, 2017

Boys Behind the Lyrics

I've mentioned that Derek joined the band Parental Petulance. 

 Marshall and Ashley are the other band members who have two boys, Levi (4yrs) and Knox (2yrs).  Here they are with my boys on a dinosaur.  There is a PP song lyric "Dinos in the dishwasher"! :)

Sometimes Derek goes to band practice solo.  Sometimes we make a night of it and we all go!  We did that recently and ate dinner together.  Then with the band went to the basement to practice, the rest of us had a pool party!

Some never actually made it into swim trunks.

Including Owen who ended up swimming in just his swim diaper.   And loved it.

All five boys got distracted from the pool when they realized there were TONS of fireflies in the yard.

Owen caught his first firefly all by himself.

Miles is a pro and showed every how to catch them.

We put them in a jar and watched them glow before we let them all go.

But they were fun for a while.   So are all these BOYS!  But I'm glad I don't have five.  :)

You can check out the Parental Petulance Facebook page here: 

They're also on Spotify!

You can also look through the merch for sale on the bandcamp page:

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