July 13, 2017

Bicycle Safety Town Summer 2017

We live so close to Bicycle Safety Town that it's pathetic how little we make it over there.   Between baseball, a couple VBS programs, park picnics and being out of town, we haven't made time for BST as much as I would have liked this summer...  but we have loaded the bikes into the van!

Yes, we live within walking distance...  but we took the van.  Because, well,  OWEN.

It would have taken us forever to get there with him riding his bike.  And there aren't sidewalks the entire way, and we cross a busy intersection.   So the van works great, then we ride, ride, ride once we arrive.

Owen did really well, though he doesn't use pedals...

Or traffic laws! :)

Owen also still likes to take bike breaks to play at the playground.

After three minutes of riding, it's nice to get up and stretch your legs a little.

And I'm always in support of wearing a helmet while playing on equipment.  Safety First!

He took the helmet off when Miles showed up not wearing one.

After a few minutes on the playground, Owen was back to chasing his brothers.

...who are so sweet to wait for him to catch up every now and then.

Maybe in part because Owen was the one with the water!

It worked perfectly for him to keep in his bike seat, and he loved being the water boy.

It was convenient when he was thirsty too.

Annnnnd, off they go again!

They stopped in the shade of the overpass to rest.

And hopped off bikes to chase a bunny once in a while.

Miles had a collision with another bike on the bike rack
...because he was trying to skid to a stop and leave a black mark.

He fell into the other bikes handlebars and had some pretty good scrapes that turned to bruises later.

But, the injury aside, we had a great morning at the Bicycle Safety Town!

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