July 19, 2017

AudioFeed Festival 2017 - The Show

Show time!  Parental Petulance took the stage at 1pm.

It was fun to watch Derek play.  This was the first show I've been able to be present for!

Though I sure didn't get to sit and watch him!  These shows are crazy!!

An added element of fun is the pool noodles you see all over. (Along with the beach balls being bounced around)  When they played the song "Food Fight", Marshall and Ashley threw out pool noodles telling everyone they were veggie straws...  and to have a food fight!

Song Lyrics: "Fight! Food Fight! Fight! Food fight! I know I loved it yesterday, but I won't eat it tonight.  Fight! Food fight! Fight!"

When the song started, I was up near the stage.  Once the chaos ensued, I quickly realized I needed to get to Owen and rescue him!  And my phone was rolling while I made my way through the crowd to pull him to safety! 😆

He seemed just fine, maybe just a tad shell shocked. ha.  You can probably guess that my big boys thought the whole thing was SO.much.fun.

We also laughed SO hard when we saw this video someone else posted and realized that just before I got to him, Owen's ear muffs got knocked down over his eyes!  He just stood there and someone stepped forward and pulled them up for him!

He didn't seem upset by any of it at all, but hung back and watched the fun from near me.

The pool noodles flew for the rest of the show.

Which pleased Miles greatly.

And Owen even got brave enough to get out there and fight Knox during a slightly calmer moment.

Speaking of 'getting out there', Cooper got on stage and danced for a while.

He's really into robot dancing, thanks to America's Got Talent's Merrick Hanna.  When I was Coop's age, I would have rather crawled under a rock to hide than get on a stage and dance!!   But he loved it. 

By the end of the show, I think Owen would have liked to hide.  He was feeling the result of being at a parent punk concert during nap time.  And somehow had switched to Miles ear muffs by then.

But that was about the time they brought out the piñata!

During the song, "Dinos in the Dishwasher" they tossed it out for the kids to tear into.
Song lyrics, "We've got toys in the bathtub, Legos on the floor, Batman on the potty and dinos in the dishwasher."

Instead of candy in the piñata, the kids found toy dinosaurs, yoyos, squirt guns, and even t-shirts.

It was a lot of fun for the kiddos.

Everyone jumped in and grabbed some.

Miles was pretty happy with his new dinos, yoyo and squirt gun.

Owen sleepily snagged a few dinosaurs.

Then it was all over and it was time to clean up!

Owen tried to help, he was so frustrated trying to carry two beach balls and once, but kept dropping them.

He finally let Miles help him get them to the trailer.

The set up and tear down happens really fast, since there are bands playing before and after each set. You have to get out of the way!  So in no time at all, it was all done and we could relax.  :)

The boys and I give Parental Petulance a GREAT review after seeing our first show!!  So much fun!

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