July 20, 2017

AudioFeed Festival 2017 - The Rest

After the Parental Petulance show was all wrapped up and the gear was loaded back into the trailer,  we had the rest of the day to check out other bands and mingle with the other festival goers.  
This is Tyler from Insomniac Folklore.  
And his tortoise.  

Can you tell which of them the boys were more excited to meet? :)
I wish I would've had my camera ready to catch the look of amazement on Miles' face when Tyler wrapped the turtle up in a blanket like a baby and walked away.  Ha ha ha ha!

Cooper and Miles hung around to watch the next band play, but Owen and I headed back to the campsite to clean up a little.  I turned on the faucet, which someone must have recently backed over, and had Owen try to wash off his feet.

You can probably guess how that turned out...  his feet where soon clean(er) and he was soon soaked.

Wet clothes hung to dry (thankfully, I brought everyone a change of clothes too), I laid Owen down in the camper hoping he'd nap. 

He didn't, he was too distracted by the bands playing next door and the new surroundings.  And by Cooper showing up with a free sample sandwich from Jimmy John's.  This totally made Cooper's day, Jimmy John's is a favorite!

We gave up on napping for a while and hit up the Kid's Zone.  Because who wants to nap when you can climb around a pop up school bus?

Or play tic tac toe...

They had a tent with crafts.

And darts.  Yikes.
(They were just magnetic.)

Soon, we headed to see another band play.

And that's when Owen could take no more... He finally fell asleep.

I took him to the camper where he slept for over and hour.  Then took him out again to go see Destroy Nate Allen play.  He didn't wake up through any of that.

Destroy Nate Allen puts on a rather fun and interactive show.  The boys got into it.

They also did a piñata... and it had candy in it!

So they filled their pockets before the show was over.

Miles found Insomniac Folklore's booth and realized the tortoise and a few other little creatures were there.  We had trouble pulling him away after that.  I have 42 photos of said creatures on my phone for him to remember them by.

Cooper and Miles had helped Ashley hand out cards to advertise the show before they played.  Then they handed more out all day.

Miles would fan them out and walk up to people saying, "Pick a card, any card", then walk away after they took one.  Most people laughed and one sweet lady gave him a dollar because she thought his 'trick' was so cute!

For the rest of the day we bounced around the stages checking out bands performing.  But then there was this...

So the boys tried their first funnel cake.  It was a hit! :)

We also played a little checkers since the game was on the bench...  Owen saw it and said, "I needa play checkas."!  We have a set exactly like it at home.

Some friends from church played in two different bands.  We saw one earlier in the day, but one was the 9pm slot.  We decided we'd hang around and catch some of it before driving the hour and half home.  It was fun, but made it a late night.

Especially since the trailer got a flat about 20 minutes from home!

All part of being 'on the road', right!?   Late night, flat tire and all...  we all enjoyed the day at AudioFeed immensely!  We're already making plans for next year that include staying longer.

My big boys are hooked on music fests, I think.  As we drove away Miles said, "That was the best day of my life!!!"

We also have a few things to remember the day by... 
Derek grabbed a shirt in support of another band thats on the same record label as Parental Petulance:

And though not many bands have youth sizes, Marshall and Ashley found out Nate Allen had some that would fit Coop and snagged one for us.

They also threw in this one as a gift, which Cooper was pumped about.

We also purchased Insomniac Folklore patches to sew onto shirts for the big boys. 

 So they're starting their 'band shirts' collections nicely.  They can wear them all at next year's AudioFeed, perhaps?

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