August 22, 2016

Miscellaneous Monday

Today's post is all random photos that don't fit into other posts.  Just some summer wrap up happening...  Like running errands and trying on hats.

Miles borrowing my book.  And my sunglasses.

Then washing his clothes and body in the bathtub.  Two for one! :)

Owen has started to like coloring.

Or at least making a mess with crayons.

Maybe gnawing on one every now and then.

Speaking of gnawing...
Owen likes to help himself to the refrigerator when it swings open.  He grabbed the green onions and I thought, "Oh, that will cure him of this habit".  Nope.  Apparently Owen likes onions! 

He also likes to get into (literally here) everything I'm doing.

Or into the empty hamper.

And why not?  Looks comfy.

He climbs more than my other boys did...

He's a good helper too.  We just need to work on his technique a bit. ha.

Owen rode with Miles in a car cart for the first time While Cooper was at a birthday party.  Don't let his smile fool you, he spent the whole time trying to crawl out or grab things off the bottom shelf.

He liked to grab things, that's why his big brothers waited until he was napping to to get out some new Legos they'd purchased.

Perhaps Mommy should nap once in a while too?  We'd been to the library, Aldi and were checking out at Walmart when a sweet lady informed me that my shirt was on inside out!!  ugh. 

Happy Miscellaneous Monday!
(Make sure to check if your shirt is on inside out!)

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