April 2, 2015

Go RVing - Home!

We had another very early wake up call to begin our trip home.  We made our way to the airport and were soon on an airplane leaving "The Sunshine State".

Miles had his new stuffed alligator all buckled in for the ride.

On our first plane, the boys each had their own screen to watch cartoons during the flight.

That didn't help wake them up much.  Cooper looked pretty sleepy on the tram ride to our next gate in the Atlanta airport.

Miles was pretty relaxed too, even with the fun of riding an 'inside train'.

We were soon aboard our final leg home.  Two on one side of the aisle... 

And two on the other.

We arrived in Peoria to glorious 70º weather.  Miles fell asleep on the car ride home from the airport and slept for four hours!  Which meant the rest of us had naps too!  They woke up in time to go play in the sand... because they hadn't seen enough lately?

When we left for our trip there were still a few inches of snow covering the frozen ground.  Spring hit while we were away... so it didn't take Miles long to start looking for worms.

And get Cooper involved.

They found some crawling critters in no time.

 We tried to watch a little tv later, but this is about how it ended up, so we all headed to bed. 

We needed to rest up from such a great week!  I've already mentioned it, but I am so thankful for the opportunity to take this trip and the timing was great to do this before we have a small baby around again.  We got to do so many things we wouldn't normally get to do...and it was all planned out for us.  And really, if you know me at all, going on an all expense paid vacation and having the whole thing professionally documented is kind of a dream come true!  :)

The episode of the show we'll be featured in, "Away", will air sometime in May on the Sportsman Channel.

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you guys!! Awesome trip and paid for - wow! That's even better. I hope they give you a DVD in case we can't see it on that channel. Not sure we have that one.
