Staying with Aunt Brenda meant, even though she was working from home that day, she made pancakes in between work calls! (Thanks again, Aunt Brenda!!) So we enjoyed breakfast before we hit the road.
Oh, and we made a pit stop before we exited Overland Park!
Derek really loves me... and my Mom. :) He had to rearrange a bit to fit all our goods in for the ride to Wichita.
We got it though, and after another car picnic...
And a drive through the Kansas Flint Hills...
During which Cooper said, "Look at all those cows!" (After Miles called them buffalo) "They have that whole huge yard?"! We need more friends with farms, I guess... citified, my boys are!
Soon we made it to Wichita!! Cousins greeted my kiddos before they even got out of the car.
And lots of hugs soon followed.
We didn't waste any time finding and snuggling Alexa either!!
I even shared for a minute to let Derek meet her.
The boys took advantage of Derek and I being occupied with her and headed for Papa's fish pond.
But took their turn with the baby very soon...
They checked her out from head to toe.
...or rubbed the silk edge on her blankie. Miles says it passed inspection.
So did Alexa. Yay for new cousins!
It didn't take long to settle in and we headed to the pool.
It's one of the things the boys really look forward too when headed to Gramma's!
We all enjoyed a little time cooling off.
Or just relaxing.
There was a little time later to watch Alexa.
Yep, just watch her.
Or if you're three, Gramma's iPad is pretty fun to watch too.
My Dad's parents were in town too, so the kids also spent some time catching up with Great Grandpa.
And the other Greats showed up before the day was over too!
Cooper even snuck in a walk to the pond with Daddy.
He's only been asking to go since June.
We stayed with Derek's parents so headed over there in the evening. By bed time Miles was snuggling with Mleynek Grandparents... or protecting his blankie from G'pa Dale.
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