March 27, 2014

Little Leprechaun

Derek headed home from his California hog hunt on a Monday.  I might have shed a tear when he got back into cell phone range and popped up on my Friend Finder app... showing he was on the road and headed back to the airport.  Might have.
It was also St Patrick's Day.  So I pulled out the gold (chocolate) coins I bought in preparation for this day.

And hid them randomly around the house while the boys were in the basement.

I didn't tell them to look for them but Cooper noticed one hidden pretty quickly.  He kept asking me if I hid them and I played dumb telling them it must have been a leprechaun, which they didn't really understand.  HA.

They really 'struck gold'!

This was after 24hrs on antibiotics for strep but before Miles' surgery.
They were feeling good!

And I was later found out.  Cooper found the wrapper for the coins in the trash and declared that he KNEW it was me who hid them! 

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